InventoryPlus available as “Software as a Service”, free Inventory software with all required features
Our business model is simple. No need to pay hefty license free for software(as like other software), we are giving software as a service (SAS), subscribe to any plan with nominal charge for hassle-free usage. We will be charging affordable yearly fee(10$/499Rs/year start with) for quality support, customization and advanced features who register for subscription, Click here to know more about subscription offers.
- Easy installation and configuration : Just install package using setup file. Easy company file creation and configuration. Creating new financial wizard helps the smooth moving to new financial year. Visit video help gallery for quick start.
- Barcode supported inventory software: Inventory handling support barcode scanner. Barcode eliminates the user errors. Sales billing made easy (basic computer knowledge is enough). Speed up the billing process by scan and print bill method. Generate the barcode sticker and print the barcode sticker with simple interface
- Manage Accounts ledger and stock book: Maintain the any number of customer, suppliers and other accounting ledger database and transactions. Accounting and Inventory handling knowledge is not required to operate our free inventory software InventoryPlus. Easy Sales bill entry, and voucher entry. Stock handling and accounting included in a single package. Get instant insights to your finances in finger tip. Product history shows when items were received or sold. Set low-level stock warnings so you know when to reorder the items
- Easy multiple company maintainer : Operate multiple company and there is no limit for maintaining accounting and inventory ledger.
- Multi-user access: Several people can share access with their own usernames and passwords. Creating different users with different privilege level for providing high security. System allows to give permission to required section. Example. Create cashier user and give permission to create new sales bill, cashier has access to only sales entry system, user not able to login any other section of the InventoryPlus.
- Report export to all format : System is provides a huge variety of customization, detailed reports that delivery into the specifics of a financial area enabling you to analyze key areas of your finances. Reports data can be exported to all known formats.
- Regional language supported free inventory software : System support English and Kannada interface as of now. It can be extended based on the request, We need volunteer for language conversion. We have planned to support all global languages. One of the first and best Kannada language supported inventory and accounting software.
- Advanced printing: Asynchronous background printing supported by InventoryPlus system work doesn’t get struck when printing is in progress. Printing happens in the background and users can simultaneously continue with work while the printing is in progress. System support the thermal printer bill printing. Sales bill can be customized based on required format to fulfill the company’s brand. Print Preview any reports or voucher before printing with zoom in/out facility.
- Portable data : Company data stored in portable file, which can be included on business trips. It operates from removable disk!!. Package can operate from 64 MB flash drive also!!.
- Brokerage : InventoryPlus supports brokerage module with rich set of customization for commission calculation
- Bulk stock items import : System supports bulk import of stock item from csv file .
- Manage items stock: Items/Materials stock can be manageable with different options (Ex. Batch wise/ quantity wise). List of expiring items can be easily extracted
- Touchscreen supported system : Sales billing screen and other application layout supports the touch screen monitor.
- Smart data backup : Package support automatic backup, just setting backup intervals enable the automatic backup system. Backup systems force you to take backup. Compressed, encrypted, incremental backups and an option to view size of backups.
- Feature platform supports : InventoryPlus free inventory software supports all windows platform including Win XP.
- Update notification : Our free inventory software notify any future Inventoryplus upgrade available. Seamless free download, install the upgrade to latest version is few click away.
- Discount Coupons : Software support different types of discount with various option to configure, Create the discount coupons and launching the discount promotion is easy and simple.
- Inventory Plus support the stock adjustment and physical stock verification module
- Track material movement in industry using Inventoryplus stock journal feature, Create the product from raw materials, system will instantly reduce the quantity of raw materials and add the product ready for sale
- Other features: Ribbon navigation toolbar helps navigating the screen like web browser. Shortcut key helps to access any activity in single touch.
- Multiple currencies billing: Looking for software support multiple currency sales billing? InventoryPlus supports auto conversion of primary to alternate bill amount.
- Free CRM software: InventoryPlus is one of the best in industry CRM Software and it can be customisation using plugin. Sending email to customers with running offers, Vendor for purchase request can be done, Send SMS to customers also possible with InventoryPlus extension, It is completely free CRM software available in industry
- Custom Price scheme: Inventory software support to maintain the multiple price scheme for product or items, System help to setup different price scheme for customers
- Send SMS and EMail: Industry first free software to send the SMS and generate the ebill and send it directly customer email address. Send SMS balance aleart to customer, Send the birthday wishes is simple now using our free inventory software
Highlights of Free inventory handling Software
Manage business with InventoryPlus
- Automate your business using Inventoryplus with zero hidden fee
- Manage multiple companies accounts and stocks
- Multi-language, multi currency in free inventory software
- Access restriction based on assigned permissions for each shop staff
- Monitor real-time sales and inventory positions
- Auto backup facility helps easy recovery of data if system crashes
- LIFO or FIFO billing option allowed for batch / expire items
- commission management module with multiple configurable options
- Manage discount coupon promotion with various options
- Physical stock verification module can be used for stock verification
- System can be used for material movement, track product manufacturing
Free inventoryPlus helps to manage stocks and track materials effectively
- Manage items/materials, there is no restriction on size or storage limits
- Item Master Add/Edit and CSV import from external system
- Materials can be grouped based on category and classification
- Set up low inventory stock alerts in InventoryPlus free inventory software
- Track items based on Rack/aisle to identify location of items
- Analyse the expiring/ageing stock items
- Easily manage Expiry Date handling
- Purchase return and sales return can be easily handled
- Barcode label / sticker printing option included
- Customization can be easily managed by including required plugin
- As per request plug-in/module will be developed and configured
Free inventory software’s Billing & accounting features
- Simple POS sales entry system
- Generate sales bill by scanning barcode
- Counter sales with Customer Ledger transactions
- Voucher module for Receipt, Payment and Adjustment transaction
- Product loose/split sales option available
- Multiple Customers Billing at same time on single PC
- Option for discount entry in sales
- Sales terminal supports custom sales button with picture
- Cost effective thermal bill printing, Customisation sales bill supported
- Sales invoice in multiple foreign currencies
- Material transfer module for manufacturing unit
- Track invoice balance, due date and payment history
InventoryPlus Reports
- Stock Register and support reports(Day wise / Brand Wise)
- Vendor ledger transactions, option to export to excel
- Daily Sales Report, reports based on cashiers/terminal/customer
- Daily cash register
- Ageing reports/expired items report
- Minimum Level Or Safety Stock alert report
- Sales Tax / GST Register
- commission report based on sales man
- Barcode label printing
- Report can be exported to various formats
- Various sales bill templates, customisation of sales bill format
InventoryPlus Quick start guide, Step by step tutorials
Free inventory software (InventoryPlus) overview
How to manage stock
Managing the company
Why InventoryPlus free Inventory software ?
- Quality Product is absolutely FREE : No monthly/annual charges, no advertisement or hidden charges to use the software
- Periodic auto upgrade available, all future release also available as free update!!!
- Offline Inventory handling software : No internet connection is required to operate
- Portable Free Inventory Software : You can easily carry InventoryPlus Inventory software along with your business trip
- Reports and Bill format changes is possible as request
- InventoryPlus is built up on industry best practices to address individual retailers needs.
- Rich user interface with robust system supports all windows OS including Win-XP. InventoryPlus built using latest technology so system support all future release of Windows operating system
- Reseller get the 25% cashback on bulk membership purchase, Our business model help to earn by training end users
- Are you hardware delear? or market adviser ? then InventoryPlus will give the value add to your business, Including our software as a package will yield more business
- Software will notify the customer’s overdue account balance through SMS or Email, It help to increase the collection of overdue payment, Required to get the SMS package to send the SMS, refer here for more information
- Build the better relation with customer by sending the Birthday wishes through SMS
Are you interested to see how to use inventory software? it is simple just read our quick start tutorials and automate your business using InventoryPlus inventory and accounting application.
InventoryPlus free Inventory software reference
- InventoryPlus free inventory software’s screenshot : Visit here
- Free inventory software -InventoryPlus support : Visit here
- InventoryPlus online help click here
- Inventory software’s video tutorials click here
- Installation guide: Visit here
- Frequent Ask Questions click here
- Recommended hardware click here
Our support team with you after post-implementation. InventoryPlus deliver the frequent product update and same will be delivered to you free of cost. We will give the opportunity to all of our customers to give the feedback and ask for any new features required, Same will be implemented in future release and new feature will be available to all of our clients free of cost.
Contact Us
Contact Details
CMSStores, #202, Padmanabha nagar
Bangalore – 560061
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